
Welcome to speak.exchange!

To get started, type in any French or English word in the search bar to search for translations and examples of that word.

If a word exists in both languages, like "chaise", then switch translation direction by clicking the switch button above the search box.

To add a word and its translation to a flashcard deck, then click on the button in the bottom-right corner of a search result. To learn more about learning new words with flashcards, check out speak.repeat.

If you need to type a special character, click the character you need and it will appear in the search box.

How to read a search result


This indicates what type of word it is. Click here to learn more.

Words have different types: some are nouns like "chair", marked n, and some are interjections like "ow!", marked interj. This is important to display as a word can be more than one type, like for example the word "bail": it can be a noun and a verb.

Original word:

This is the word that matches your search term.

Sometimes the word your looking for changes meaning when used in an expression, and sometimes the word changes meaning depending on the preposition that follows it. Our results display all the possible ways your search term can be used so you can be sure to find the translation for the specific context you're looking for.

Translated word:

This is the translation of a given original word.

Sometimes a word can have several translations that apply for just one original word; if that's the case, we separate these by commas.


This is an example of the word used in the real communication.

These help you understand how a word is used in context. Some translations will feature several, one or even no examples; unfortunately, speak.exchange has no control over these as we source our translations from an external provider, who comes up with these examples for us.